Being a highly sensitive person (HSP) is a unique personality trait that affects a significant portion of the population. HSPs have heightened sensitivity to various stimuli, including emotions, sensory input, and environmental factors. In this article, we will explore what it means to be a highly sensitive person, who coined the term, and provide examples of traits commonly associated with HSPs.

What is a Highly Sensitive Person?

A highly sensitive person is someone who has an increased sensitivity to stimulation and information. They tend to process sensory input more deeply and may be more aware of subtle changes in their environment. HSPs often experience emotions intensely and have a strong sense of empathy and compassion towards others. They may also be more prone to feeling overwhelmed in certain situations.

Who Coined the Term “Highly Sensitive Person”?

The term “Highly Sensitive Person” was coined by psychologist Elaine Aron. In 1996, Elaine Aron published a groundbreaking book titled “The Highly Sensitive Person: How to Thrive When the World Overwhelms You.” Through her research, Aron identified and described the unique characteristics of HSPs, shedding light on this often misunderstood trait.

Examples of Traits Associated with Highly Sensitive People

Here are some examples of traits commonly associated with highly sensitive people:

  1. Emotional Sensitivity: HSPs have deep emotional responsiveness and may experience emotions more intensely than others.
  2. Empathy and Compassion: They possess a heightened ability to understand and feel the emotions of others, often displaying a strong sense of empathy and compassion.
  3. Overstimulation: HSPs may be more susceptible to feeling overwhelmed in environments with excessive sensory input, such as loud noises, bright lights, or crowded spaces.
  4. Attention to Detail: They tend to notice subtle details that others may overlook, demonstrating a keen eye for observation.
  5. Creativity: HSPs often have a rich inner world and a vivid imagination, which can contribute to their creative abilities.
  6. Deep Processing: They engage in deep cognitive processing, analyzing information thoroughly before making decisions or forming opinions.
  7. Strong Intuition: HSPs have a heightened sense of intuition and may rely on their gut feelings when navigating life’s challenges.
  8. Need for Solitude: They may require regular periods of solitude and quiet to recharge and process their thoughts and emotions.
  9. Appreciation of Beauty: HSPs have a deep appreciation for art, nature, and aesthetics, often finding beauty in the smallest of things.
  10. Strong Emotional Resonance: They may be deeply moved by music, art, literature, or other forms of expression, experiencing a profound emotional resonance.

Quiz: Are You a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)?

Answer the following questions to gain insight into whether you possess traits commonly associated with being a highly sensitive person. Keep track of the number of “yes” responses to determine your level of sensitivity.

  1. Do you find yourself deeply affected by other people’s moods and emotions, even when they are not directly expressed to you?
  2. Are you easily overwhelmed by bright lights, loud noises, or strong smells?
  3. Do you tend to avoid violent or emotionally intense movies, TV shows, or books because they affect you deeply?
  4. Do you have a rich and complex inner life, often engaging in deep thinking and reflection?
  5. Are you highly perceptive, noticing subtle details that others often miss?
  6. Do you experience strong emotional reactions to art, music, or natural landscapes?
  7. Do you feel the need for regular periods of solitude to recharge and process your thoughts and emotions?
  8. Are you deeply moved by the suffering of others, often feeling a strong sense of empathy and compassion?
  9. Do you find it challenging to make decisions, often needing time to carefully weigh your options?
  10. Are you sensitive to caffeine or alcohol, experiencing their effects more strongly than others?


  • 0-3 “yes” responses: It is less likely that you possess traits of a highly sensitive person.
  • 4-7 “yes” responses: You may demonstrate some traits commonly associated with being a highly sensitive person.
  • 8-10 “yes” responses: You likely possess many traits of a highly sensitive person.

Remember, this quiz is not a definitive assessment but rather a tool for personal reflection. If you resonate with the characteristics of a highly sensitive person, consider seeking further resources and support to better understand and embrace your sensitivity.


  1. Highly Sensitive Person | Psychology Today
  2. What Is a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)? – Verywell Mind
  3. The Highly Sensitive Person: How to Thrive When the World Overwhelms You – Elaine Aron
  4. 14 Traits of Highly Sensitive People | Psychology Today

Being a highly sensitive person is not a flaw but rather a unique way of experiencing the world. Understanding and embracing this trait can lead to greater self-awareness and self-acceptance. If you resonate with the characteristics of a highly sensitive person, remember that you are not alone, and there are resources available to support you on your journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

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