When it comes to trauma-informed care, there are a lot of misconceptions that can prevent people from getting the help they need. Trauma-informed care is a way of providing care that recognizes trauma’s impact and helps reduce the trauma’s effects. Unfortunately, some common misconceptions can result in people getting the needed help.

Misconception #1: Trauma-Informed Care Is Only for People with Severe Mental Illness

One of the most common misconceptions about trauma-informed care is that it is only for people with severe mental illness. This is not true. Trauma-informed care is for anyone who has experienced trauma, regardless of the severity of their mental illness. We all go through trauma; call it a Big T trauma or a Little T trauma. Trauma affects every group of people in society. Call it a silent wound that goes unspoken due to shame or fear if you want. It is still a growing reality in our world, even if undetected.

Misconception #2: Trauma-Informed Care Is Too Expensive

Another misconception about trauma-informed care is that it is too expensive. While there can be a cost, there is no substitute for the price you can pay for not understanding trauma-sensitive principles. Trauma-informed care can enhance client outcomes, prevent relapses, open cooperation and communication, and create more health and happiness for traumatized individuals.

Misconception #3: Trauma-Informed Care Is Only for Survivors of Abuse

Another misconception about trauma-informed care is that it is only for abuse survivors. While trauma-informed care can be beneficial for survivors of abuse, it can also be helpful for anyone who has experienced trauma, regardless of the source. Trauma-informed care can help reduce the effects of trauma, including natural disasters, accidents, and other life-altering events.

Misconception #4: Trauma-Informed Care Is Only for Adults

A fourth misconception about trauma-informed care is that it is only for adults. While trauma-informed care can be especially beneficial for adults, it can also be helpful for children. Trauma-informed care can help children process and cope with the trauma they have experienced, which can help them lead healthier and more fulfilling lives.

Misconception #5: Trauma-Informed Care Is Only for Those Who Are “Professionals”

Finally, there is the misconception that trauma-informed care is only for “Professionals.” You don’t have to be a clinician, doctor, social worker, or lawyer to benefit from Trauma-informed care. Everyone needs to understand the principles and practices of trauma because trauma happens in every area of life. There might be some areas of trauma that individuals don’t need to know in great detail, but recognizing the signs, responding compassionately, and avoiding retraumatizing others are crucial for anyone who lives with or works with a traumatized child or adult.

Ron Huxley can provide you with trauma-informed therapy or training. Let Ron work with your entire organization to get everyone on the same page and create Trauma-Informed Champions at every level of your school, nonprofit, church, or business. Contact Ron today at rehuxley@gmail.com.

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