Let’s make 2024 The Year for Self-Care

Welcome to The Year For Self-Care

Embrace a transformative journey of self-discovery and well-being. This year, prioritize yourself with our comprehensive self-care resources and guidance. From mindfulness practices to nurturing self-compassion, we’re here to support you every step of the way. You can get free and low-cost tools for building resiliency and self-care at FamilyHealer.tv

What We Offer:

  • Guided Self-Care Practices: Access a wealth of resources, from meditation techniques to stress-relief strategies, designed to nurture your mind, body, and spirit.
  • Community Support: Connect with like-minded individuals and share your journey towards holistic well-being. Join a community of individuals committed to self-care and personal growth.
  • Expert Insights: Benefit from expert advice and insights on self-care, mental health, and creating a balanced lifestyle. Gain valuable knowledge to enhance your self-care journey.

Become a More Resilient Individual:

In a world where resilience is tested and challenges abound, 2024 beckons as the Year for Self-Care, especially for those who have weathered the storms of adversity. This year, let us champion the art of self-care as a beacon of hope and healing, a sanctuary for the soul. It’s a call to nurture our well-being and fortify our spirits, embracing moments of tranquility amidst life’s turbulence.

For individuals who have faced adversity, 2024 offers a profound opportunity to prioritize self-care, mend the spirit, and cultivate inner strength. Let this year be a testament to the power of self-compassion, a time to tend to our emotional landscapes with gentleness and grace. As we embark on this journey of self-care, may we discover the resilience that thrives within us, emerging from adversity with renewed vitality and a profound sense of well-being.

Amidst the ebb and flow of life, 2024 invites us to champion our own self-care, to cultivate a garden of inner peace and fortitude. Let this be the year where self-care becomes a cornerstone, a guiding light through the labyrinth of adversity, illuminating the path toward healing and empowerment.

Prioritizing Parental Self-Care:

Amid the beautiful chaos of parenting, parents must prioritize their well-being. This year, we invite you to embark on a journey of self-care tailored to the unique needs of parents. From nurturing your mental resilience to finding moments of tranquility, we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Why Parental Self-Care Matters:

  • Nurturing Resilience: By prioritizing self-care, parents can build the mental and emotional resilience needed to navigate the joys and challenges of parenthood.
  • Setting an Example: When parents practice self-care, they demonstrate to their children the importance of taking care of oneself, fostering a culture of well-being within the family.
  • Recharging for Better Parenting: Taking time for self-care allows parents to recharge, leading to increased patience, empathy, and overall well-being, which positively impacts their parenting.

Join Us in Prioritizing Self-Care:

Make this the year you invest in yourself. Experience the profound impact of self-care on your life and well-being. It’s time to nurture yourself and embark on a fulfilling path towards personal wellness.

Helping a Worrier Become a Warrior

Is your child a warrior, or a worrier?

That cute — and memorable — phrasing comes from “Why Can Some Kids Handle Pressure While Others Fall Apart?” by Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman (famous for “Nurture Shock” and now the authors of “Top Dog: The Science of Winning and Losing”) in The Times Magazine. It’s shorthand for a problem most of us are familiar with: some people seem born to take tests or compete. For others, the whisper of pressure can trigger the seeming disappearance of everything we ever learned.

In their magazine piece, the authors look at what lies under that difference: “how we were raised, our skills and experience, the hormones that we marinated in as fetuses.”

But while understanding the causes may help promote eventual changes in standardized testing, there’s no way to entirely avoid the need to perform under pressure — and no way to avoid it on behalf of our children.
For the parents of worriers, one question hovers over the topic: how can we help our children learn to both perform better, and feel that stress just a little less? I asked the magazine piece’s authors to help me pull out what they learned in researching their article, and to share some other ideas and background that might help.

Embrace the anxiety. Students who read a statement declaring that recent research suggests “people who feel anxious during a test might actually do better” did, in fact, do better on tests, in the lab and outside.

Find competition that’s fun. Spelling bees, chess teams, sports, science fairs: when the pressure is predictable and comes with friends and excitement, even worriers build up their tolerance for the stress that doesn’t include those benefits (like the SAT exams). These competitions “give kids the chance to make that connection between feeling a little anxious and performing at their best,” Mr. Bronson said.

Emphasize success. Even when competition is fun, getting through it is a victory for a “worrier.” Help your child focus on the ebbs and flows of the competitive anxiety, and then remind him to celebrate the accomplishment — and think back to it the next time that anxiety rears its head. Parents comfort children when they feel insecure, but we also need to foster exploratory behavior. “By destabilizing children, pushing them, we help children be brave in unfamiliar situations, stand up for themselves, and learn to take risks.”

Watch for when “stress” turns into “distress.” For many children, short-term stress can be energizing. But when it goes beyond the short term into a larger problem, “parents need to try to find the triggers that change test taking from a challenge state to a threat state.” The child who lost sleep for a month over standardized testing (described in the article) had heard from teachers that school funding and teacher pay is partly tied to these tests now, so he felt an enormous burden to score super high on the standardized tests, to help buoy the school’s averages.

Change the story. “Right now, the story is that college spots are really hard to get,” Mr. Bronson wrote in an e-mail. “Cary Roseth, assistant professor of education at Michigan State University, classifies the race to college as a ‘scramble competition,’ like a huge game of musical chairs – except with too few chairs. This is somewhat of an illusion. Every year, U.C.L.A. runs a national survey of incoming college freshmen; last year, they collected data from over 204,000 frosh who attend 270 different bachelor’s colleges. 83 percent of them were attending their first or second choice college. U.C.L.A., all by itself, admitted almost 16,000 applicants. Over 10,000 of them turned U.C.L.A. down. Nationally, 59 percent of all admittances are turned down by the students. So who is rejecting who here? Maybe we all need to hold our tongues when we’re tempted to scare the kids, ‘You know, you have to study harder if you want to get into a U.C.’ And maybe when we say, reassuringly, ‘There’s a good college for everyone,’ we have to convince ourselves first.”

Follow KJ Dell’Antonia on Twitter at @KJDellAntonia or find her on Facebook and Google+.

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